The whole thing You Need to Know About Dengue

earches related to dengue
dengue treatment

dengue fever rash

dengue fever prevention

dengue fever causes

dengue fever symptoms

7 warning signs of dengue fever
Dengue fever, commonly referred to as break bone fever may be a flu-like illness caused by the Dengue virus. it's caused when an Aedes mosquito carrying the virus bites a healthy person. This disease is especially found within the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the planet . consistent with WHO, an estimated 500,000 people require hospitalization annually . Most cases occur in tropical areas of the planet , with the population within the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia , Mexico, Africa, parts of Central and South America most vulnerable to the disease. As per the info released by the Directorate of the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP), there are 67,000 cases of dengue as of 13th October 2019 in India.
Dengue is caused thanks to four viruses, namely - DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. The virus enters a mosquito when it bites an already infected person. and therefore the illness is spread when it bites a healthy person, and therefore the virus spreads through the person’s bloodstream.
Once an individual recovers, he's resistant to the precise virus and not the opposite three types. The probability of developing severe dengue , also referred to as Dengue hemorrhagic fever , increases if you're infected a second, third or fourth time.
Symptoms of Dengue:
Usually, symptoms of Dengue desire an uncomplicated fever and not easily identifiable in teens and youngsters . Dengue causes a fever of 104 F degrees along side a minimum of two of those symptoms:
• Headache
• Muscle, bone and joint pain
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Pain behind the eyes
• Swollen glands
• Rash
There are three sorts of fever an individual is susceptible to , namely – Mild dengue , Dengue hemorrhagic fever and Dengue Shock Syndrome.
• Mild dengue – Symptoms are seen after every week from the bite and include severe or fatal complications.
• Dengue hemorrhagic fever – Symptoms are mild but can gradually worsen within a couple of days.
• Dengue Shock Syndrome – this is often a severe sort of dengue and may even cause death.
There is no specific treatment of dengue or cure as Dengue may be a virus. Timely intervention can help, counting on how severe the disease is. Here are a couple of basic treatments of Dengue fever:

  1.  Medication: Painkillers like Tylenol or Paracetamol are generally prescribed to the patients. IV drips are sometimes supplemented just in case of severe dehydration.
  2. Stay hydrated: this is often crucial as most of our bodily fluids are lost during vomiting and high fever. Continuous intake of fluids will confirm that the body doesn't easily dehydrate.
  3. Hygiene: Hygiene is of the utmost importance, even more so once you aren't well. The patient can choose a ablution if not a daily bath. Add a couple of drops of disinfectant liquid like Dettol to the water getting used for bathing. it's also advisable to sanitize your hand with a hand sanitizer like Dettol before and after visiting the patient within the hospital. Disinfect the water wont to wash the patient’s clothes with Dettol to rid the garments of germs.
Researchers are still performing on finding a selected cure for dengue . dengue treatment involves the utilization of pain relievers with acetaminophen. Additionally, your doctor will recommend you to drink many fluids and take rest. the simplest way is prevention. Following are some actions you'll fancy keep yourself safe from the virus:
Lesser skin exposure: Try wearing long trousers and shirts to hide your skin surfaces and reducing the probabilities of bites. Mosquitoes are highly active early within the morning or evening, so try avoiding venturing call at those times.
Mosquito Repellent: A repellent with a minimum of 10 per cent concentration of diethyltoluamide (DEET). a better concentration is required for extended exposures. you'll apply the ointment daily to

stay mosquitoes away.
Personal hygiene: once you are infected with any virus, you're extra sensitive to other illnesses. Use a hand sanitizer like Dettol liquid hand wash which acts to stay germs cornered . This soap will protect you against many illness-causing germs.
Disinfect stagnant water: The Aedes mosquito breeds in clean and stagnant water. Keep water covered in the least times and use a correct disinfectant if necessary. Turn over any vessels which may accumulate water and scrub the surfaces thoroughly so on reduce the probabilities of developing a tract for the mosquitoes.


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