Baby care in the rainy season

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Baby care in the rainy season

During the monsoon season, children suffer from cold-fever, cold-cough, diarrhea, indigestion, abdominal pain and other ailments.
Cold weather may be the cause of the baby's illness this season. Children also get sick due to more dirty environment, damp weather or polluted water. During this time the temperature varies a lot. Sometimes it gets very hot, again after rain the temperature goes down. Then the children feel colder than hot. Again, many children may feel cold even when wet in water.

Some diseases are airborne. The germs of which enter through the breath. Children also get sick from formalin food.
In this context, specialist doctors advise on increasing the child's immunity. Breast milk enhances immunity.
During this time a variety of nutritious, high-vitamin-rich native fruits are available. Mango, jackfruit and litchi should be eaten along with daily food.
Waterborne diseases are more prevalent this season. As a result, worms also increase. Mothers prepare food out of cleanliness, but worms spread among children if they have large fingernails. Worms cause abdominal pain in children.

Baby Care in the Monsoon Season –Some Useful Tips

-Keep your little one clean and happy
- Cover with light clothing
- Give your baby diaper breaks
- Maintain a pleasant room temperature
- Boiled water is a must
- Keep your home clean