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rheumatic fever treatment

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rheumatic fever complications

rheumatic fever heart

rheumatic fever treatment Rheumatic fever and heart problems

Rheumatoid arthritis is a public health problem in Bangladesh like any other least developed country. Although rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease have declined significantly in developed countries over the past few decades, their prevalence is still much higher in less developed countries like ours. Many children die prematurely from this disease at the dawn of their lives or are crippled forever and live in the throats of others. After high blood pressure, rheumatism is one of the leading causes of heart disease in our country. Every year many children, teenagers and youths are infected with this disease and die prematurely. According to a study, 8.5 people per thousand and four children per thousand are suffering from rheumatism and rheumatic diseases in Bangladesh. About 30-40% of patients are admitted to the hospital due to rheumatic heart disease and 70-80% of heart operations are due to rheumatic heart disease. What is rheumatism? Why is that? How to recognize? How wide is it? The complications of rheumatoid arthritis and how to prevent this disease are briefly highlighted here.

What is rheumatism?

It is often seen that children often have fever. Fever causes pain in the body and swelling of the joints. At one time a large knot or many knots can be affected at the same time. Once it happens again and again. Inflammation of the heart is the most common symptom of knee pain. This inflammation is not so easy for the common man to understand. But what a normal person can understand is that the child has frequent fever, palpitations, shortness of breath, the child does not want to eat and so on. Since the child often has a fever and is reluctant to eat, the child's health deteriorates within a few days, the child becomes dehydrated and does not gain weight as expected. It is often seen that the child has a sore throat before having this type of fever. The fever usually affects children between the ages of five and 15. Rheumatoid arthritis is very rare in children under four years of age or over 22 years of age.