coronavirus news three 100000 fifty nine thousand 791 deaths within the world

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coronavirus death toll

coronavirus update map - The price from the coronavirus epidemic has up to three,59,791 worldwide as of Fri morning. Besides, the quantity of corona victims worldwide stands at fifty seven 100000 three thousand 417 individuals.

The price within the us has up to a hundred and one,573, in keeping with the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. the quantity of victims has up to seventeen 100000 twenty thousand 613 individuals. the primary coronavirus infection was reportable in Washington on Gregorian calendar month twenty one.

According to Johns Hopkins, Brazil is that the second most infected country within the us. four 100000 thirty eight thousand 238 individuals were affected within the country. twenty six thousand 754 individuals died.

The UK has the second highest range of deaths. thirty seven thousand 919 individuals died. it had been followed by thirty three,142 in Italia, 28,665 in France and twenty seven,119 in European nation.

The deadly coronavirus has unfold to quite 213 countries worldwide since the happening began in China in December last year.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus crisis a virulent disease on March eleven.