Balanced diet for adults

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importance of balanced diet - Nutritionists have long felt that young people should eat the same food, even if it is low-calorie. This is because the amount of energy loss in the elderly is relatively low

In the United States, several years ago, a guided food list measured caloric demand for two groups - one for those under 51, and the other for those aged 51 to 90. Everyone is told to eat the same food.

Again, the test that was performed before giving this instruction was conducted on healthy strong young adults. So there is some controversy here. Nutrition and Aging in America Irwin Rosenberg, a well-known nutritionist, mentions in his book that at the beginning of this century, where the average age of human beings was 47, we have reached the age of 74 today for the gradual advancement of medical science.There is a lot of difference between 74 year olds and 90 year olds. Again, there is a lot of difference between the 70-year-old men. He says it is not true that all older people will be healthy, strong and self-reliant as the health system improves. There will also be many people who are weak.Suffering from illness for a long time, dependent and admitted to the medical institution for various reasons. The challenge for today's scientists should be to ensure that more older people are able to stay healthy and strong in the days to come. Unfortunately, the research on ‘special nutritional needs’ for adults is still in its infancy. Still, hopefully, the research that is currently underway on any ‘directed nutritional needs’ for them is still in its infancy. However, it is hoped that soon there will be a 'directed nutritional demand' for them. By the end of this century, we may know a great deal about the food needs of the elderly, but what we already know may help these older people to do much better. Rosenberg thinks the following should be taken seriously

1. As a person grows older and as a result the amount of work decreases, the muscles of the body also decrease. As a result, the caloric needs of such a person are naturally a little less.But it is not possible to meet every part of the nutrition in a low calorie diet. On the other hand, the body that will work harder, exercise more, will have higher caloric needs and the higher the caloric needs, the more balanced food will be possible. So remember, especially the elderly, you must work, exercise to keep your body healthy, strong, healthy.

2. However, enough protein or protein is needed to stop muscle loss in old age. However, it should be noted that this meat is not eaten more than necessary. With age, the function of the kidneys begins to decline. As a result, excess protein can put indescribable pressure on the kidneys. Therefore you need to eat protein in moderation.

3. Clinical trials have shown that the same amount of vitamin-A, which is fat-soluble, is given to young and old, but the levels in the blood of both groups are twofold. Therefore, the accumulation of this vitamin in the body of the elderly can lead to harmful levels.

4. Metabolic oxidation is primarily responsible for aging changes in the elderly. As a result, adults should consume more foods that work against this oxidative process. Two such foods are Vitamin-C and Vitamin-E. Vitamin-C has been shown to block or slow down cataracts in the eyes of the elderly, and vitamin-E can revitalize the body's immune system.

5. We know that calcium intake can reduce the risk of osteoporosis (especially in menopausal women). We also know that exercise is the best way to keep bones strong and well-organized. Therefore, older people who work out and exercise will need more calcium and protein.

6. Vitamins when in the elderly
When there is a deficiency of B-6 (pyridoxine), they have more brain changes than young people. Therefore, in order to keep the old brain functioning, it is necessary to keep a watchful eye on this food.

Aging does not mean becoming infertile. For this, in the seventh, eighth and ninth decades of your life, to keep your body healthy and strong, build your body and mind with new energy, try to be good.